Mother Nature’s Gift to Hunter: Free Menstrual Products in Restrooms
Mother Nature’s Gift is trying to get free tampons and pads into Hunter restrooms — with or without CUNY’s help.
Mother Nature’s Gift is trying to get free tampons and pads into Hunter restrooms — with or without CUNY’s help.
“I wanted to take mine off but felt weird because everyone else was still masked up,” said one student about not having to wear a mask.
Increased assaults and track-pushing on the MTA have led students to find new ways to stay safe while commuting to Hunter by train.
“It is so important for me to have short breaks, especially in the afternoon where a nap is beneficial and leaves me feeling refreshed,” says one student.
“I’ve been teaching virtually through the pandemic. My goal when it comes to my workshops are to build people’s confidence, boost their self-esteem and to give them something that they could actually walk away with,” says Gabriel Ramirez.