
Tim Foley. Courtesy of Tim Foley studio.

MFA Report: Life is more fun in heels

MFA student Tim Foley will show his work, along with 11 other fine arts graduate students, in an exhibit called Mayday at Hunter’s gallery at 205 Hudson.

Christian Fellowship Club pile up

Christian Fellowship Club spills the LGBTea

A forum last week to provided perspective on what it’s like to be homosexual and religious, putting the audience in the shoes of people who identify as gay and hold a intimate relationship with God.

Acclaimed violinist performs Hunter students' compositions

Acclaimed violinist performs Hunter students’ compositions

The compositions of Hunter music students were performed by a critically acclaimed violinist in Lang Recital Hall last week, giving them a chance to hear their work as it was meant to be played.

Students Noah Silversmith , Derrion Malink, Yeva Mishailov, Sebastian Beillard  and Ameerah Muhammad.

Students send the rich sounds of jazz echoing through West lobby

The rich sounds of the alto sax and guitar echoed through the lobby of the West building late last month as music majors hosted a jazz concert, delighting the audience while practicing their skills.

Photographer aims to capture life's 'imperfect moments'

Photographer aims to capture life’s ‘imperfect moments’

In the selfie culture of the “perfect moment” and the era of Instagram, one Hunter sophomore is seeking to capture the less perfect and show that those moments can be even more meaningful.