Following Broadway’s Lead, Hunter Closes Brecht Production
The show must go on: Unless there’s a pandemic. Hunter College’s production of “Mother Courage and Her Children” was canceled. The cast and crew share their experiences.
The show must go on: Unless there’s a pandemic. Hunter College’s production of “Mother Courage and Her Children” was canceled. The cast and crew share their experiences.
While waiting for full funding from CUNY, the fifth floor of Hunter’s library remains closed.
Youth voter turnout is at one of its lowest points in our city, and NYPIRG interns are here to change that.
Students of all nationalities, races and ethnicities gathered on May 3 at the club’s formal held at the Brookdale Rotunda, united by the beat of the drums.
Emotions were raw while stories were shared at the Roosevelt House event that recalled the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire from 1911 and the art that has been created around it.