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Hunter Students Find Study Space Alternatives
Multimedia / Student Life

Hunter Students Find Study Space Alternatives

With the libraries and buildings open at 10% capacity, students utilize the study spaces closest to them.

Health Experts Say New York Isn’t Ready For Second Wave
Student Life

Health Experts Say New York Isn’t Ready For Second Wave

Health experts on a recent NYPIRG panel predict that New York is not ready for another rise in coronavirus cases.

Student Activists Find Strength in Community During Pandemic
News / Student Life

Student Activists Find Strength in Community During Pandemic

Students organizations and activists find new ways to connect while adapting their approaches to civic engagement to fit in the virtual world.

Thanksgiving Comes with Extra Gratitude, Side of Disappointment for Students
Student Life

Thanksgiving Comes with Extra Gratitude, Side of Disappointment for Students

As Thanksgiving break nears, students are faced with having to celebrate with fewer family members and virtually.

Screenshot via PSA Virtual/Hunter Campus Rally
News / Student Life

PSC Continues the Fight for Budget Cut Transparency

Budget cuts have led to roughly 3,000 adjunct faculty at CUNY. Union officials are fighting for transparency over the layoffs after CUNY received funds from the CARES Act.