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Hunter Dreamers seek to recruit more students for scholarships

Hunter Dreamers seek to recruit more students for scholarships

A group of Dreamers who have been awarded the DREAM.US scholarship toward their college degree are organizing to help get the word out about the funding available to students with the same status.

Green Initiative funds student sustainability projects

Green Initiative funds student sustainability projects

The winners of this year’s Green Initiative included a survey of ways Hunter can add green roofs, a sustainability board game for students, and an app that directs students on how best to recycle. The projects, all proposed by Hunter undergrads, each received funding from the program and were presented […]

Media students display projects at iArt event

Media students display projects at iArt event

The Blackbox Gallery was the scene for an interactive art show by the students in interactive media production — a class that helps them design work that engages the viewer.

South Asian Cultural Club sells out annual dance party

South Asian Cultural Club sells out annual dance party

Students of all nationalities, races and ethnicities gathered on May 3 at the club’s formal held at the Brookdale Rotunda, united by the beat of the drums.

Studying amongst peers

Twas the days before finals and students were, well, cooked

Finals are in full effect at Hunter College and students are making the necessary adjustments from staying campus for 24hours to keeping a Netflix tab of “Friends” on their laptop.