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Dozens of CUNY Students Called NYPIRG Voter Helpline
News / Student Life

Dozens of CUNY Students Called NYPIRG Voter Helpline

CUNY students had a lot of election questions this year, and NYPIRG was there to answer them.

Foreign Interference in the 2020 Election on ‘the Low Side’ Says 'The Perfect Weapon' Author
Student Life

Foreign Interference in the 2020 Election on ‘the Low Side’ Says ‘The Perfect Weapon’ Author

“We haven’t had cyberwar. We have had low-level cyber conflicts,” said New York Times senior writer and national security correspondent David E. Sanger.

Former College Assistants Question Hunter’s New Hires

Former College Assistants Question Hunter’s New Hires

Hunter College hired 10 new faculty members following layoffs of college assistants and adjuncts. Students want to know how and why they chose to do it now.

Navigate allows people to schedule academic advising and tutoring appointments.
News / Student Life

Hunter Students Try to Navigate College with an App

Nearly a year after its launch at Hunter, the Navigate app is helping the college’s community.

Social Issues Drive Students to Polls
Multimedia / News

Social Issues Drive Students to Polls

Reproductive rights, immigration and climate change send Hunter students to the polls.