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The Hunter Hillel welcomes all students, regardless of religion
News / Student Life

Hunter Hillel Tackles Rising Antisemitism

Karina feels safe at the Hunter Hillel because she knows “the only thing that’s not accepted here is intolerance.” As TV pundits and politicians spout antisemitic rhetoric, and hate crimes against Jews like her increase around the country, Karina feels comfortable in this accepting organization. The junior, who declined to […]

With Limited Options, Potential Renewal of PepsiCo Contract Places Even More Strain on Campus Food Access

With Limited Options, Potential Renewal of PepsiCo Contract Places Even More Strain on Campus Food Access

Standing in front of a vending machine, Hunter students are greeted by unhealthy, sugar filled, high calorie options like flavored sodas, gatorades, chips, and candy bars. Many students are unaware that the reason behind this abundance of sugary beverages and junk food on campus is due to a contract signed […]

Korean Student Association Hosts "Night Market at Hunter" Event
Culture / News / Student Life

Korean Student Association Hosts “Night Market at Hunter” Event

The Korean Student Association (KSA) is a student-led organization at Hunter that strives to foster and celebrate Korean culture on campus. On Friday night, KSA hosted a “Night Market at Hunter” event that showcased Korean food, music, and games.  KSA events are a way for students to learn about Korean […]

Hunter College's Office of Career Development Services offers routine Career Resource Workshops for students to gain valuable resources about the job application process.

The Impact of Layoffs on Upcoming College Graduates

Soon-to-be Hunter graduates are worried. Rising New York City rental prices, student loan debt, a looming recession, and to top it off — layoffs and an uncertain job market. The class of 2023 has endured a lot during the past three years. A pandemic, missed high school senior activities, and […]

Hunter College Jazz Ensemble Ends Semester on a High Note

Hunter College Jazz Ensemble Ends Semester on a High Note

On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, the Hunter College Jazz Ensemble delivered a stunning performance at the Lang Recital Hall, the group’s final semester show. Directed by Ryan Keberle, the ensemble comprised saxes, brass/winds, Rhythm sections, voice, and even a tap dancer. The ensemble delivered a captivating performance that wowed the […]