Student Life

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Culture / Multimedia / News / Student Life

Clubs Maintain a Sense of Community Virtually

Excerpt: As the COVID-19 pandemic makes in-person interaction difficult, student club officers use social media to maintain their sense of community online.

COVID-19 Turns the Office of AssessABILITY Virtual
Student Life

COVID-19 Turns the Office of AssessABILITY Virtual

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the Office of AccessABILITY continues to strive in accommodating students’ needs remotely.

Dormers Burdened by Brookdale's Delayed Opening
News / Student Life

Dormers Burdened by Brookdale’s Delayed Opening

Hunter College students find themselves making last minute housing decisions after the school announced Brookdale dormitories were accepting applications the day before fall classes began.

Virtual Event Connects Students with Art
Student Life

Virtual Event Connects Students with Art

The art of writing brought together on Zoom on a late September evening.

An empty common room at the Brookdale dorms.
News / Student Life

Hunter Reopens Brookdale Dorm, But at Price of Student Interaction

Now that Brookdale has reopened, students are adapting to the extensive new protocols in place to protect against COVID19.