Archive for May, 2019

Media students display projects at iArt event

Media students display projects at iArt event

The Blackbox Gallery was the scene for an interactive art show by the students in interactive media production — a class that helps them design work that engages the viewer.

Film festival unites students from Hong Kong and New York

Film festival unites students from Hong Kong and New York

Hunter student filmmakers join student filmmakers from the Academy of Film of Hong Kong Baptist University to produce the second Film Festival Exchange. Films were created that aligned with this year’s theme: borders.

South Asian Cultural Club sells out annual dance party

South Asian Cultural Club sells out annual dance party

Students of all nationalities, races and ethnicities gathered on May 3 at the club’s formal held at the Brookdale Rotunda, united by the beat of the drums.

Studying amongst peers

Twas the days before finals and students were, well, cooked

Finals are in full effect at Hunter College and students are making the necessary adjustments from staying campus for 24hours to keeping a Netflix tab of “Friends” on their laptop.

Acclaimed violinist performs Hunter students’ compositions

Acclaimed violinist performs Hunter students’ compositions

The compositions of Hunter music students were performed by a critically acclaimed violinist in Lang Recital Hall last week, giving them a chance to hear their work as it was meant to be played.