Student Life

Sherry Poppins performs "Blue Velvet"
Culture / News / Student Life

Queer Club Throws Socially-Distanced Drag Show and Gender Inclusivity Panel

Bronx college hosts virtual drag show with post-show discussion on gender expression.

Advocates Call for End of ‘Sextortion;’ Legal in 35 States
Student Life

Advocates Call for End of ‘Sextortion;’ Legal in 35 States

Hunter’s NYPIRG chapter hosted a ‘Know Your Rights’ workshop detailing sexual assault laws, helping students with a violence free education.

Bystander Intervention Will Stop Anti-Asian Harassment, Panelists Say
News / Student Life

Bystander Intervention Will Stop Anti-Asian Harassment, Panelists Say

Experts help students gain a better understanding on how to safely intervene when witnessing anti-Asian hate.

What Home School to Home Office Could Mean for Future Employees
News / Student Life

What Home School to Home Office Could Mean for Future Employees

“I want to go back to being the normal working person where 9-to-5 is a definite thing,” said Williams. “I feel like for that to happen, we all need to go back to a 9-to-5 workday.”

#VaxUpCUNY Enlists Student Podcaster to Address POC’s Vaccine Anxieties
News / Student Life

#VaxUpCUNY Enlists Student Podcaster to Address POC’s Vaccine Anxieties

New CUNY campaign works with student Hannah Kavangh to produce a special podcast episode addressing encouraging POCs to be vaccinated.