Articles written by: Colleen Digney

Colleen Digney is a junior at Hunter College pursuing a bachelor's degree in media studies as well as a minor in political science. Inspired by the diversity that New York City offers, she moved to Manhattan from Long Island as soon as she turned 18. She is most interested in broadcast journalism but remains open-minded on the topic of future careers. She currently resides in Brooklyn.

The crowd – including Hillary – stands for Bronx student at graduation

The crowd – including Hillary – stands for Bronx student at graduation

Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered the 2019 commencement address, but an exceptional Hunter student earned the only standing ovation from the crowd at Madison Square Garden.

Film festival unites students from Hong Kong and New York

Film festival unites students from Hong Kong and New York

Hunter student filmmakers join student filmmakers from the Academy of Film of Hong Kong Baptist University to produce the second Film Festival Exchange. Films were created that aligned with this year’s theme: borders.

Barney Frank with Students

The first publicly gay congressman chats with students

Barney Frank visited Roosevelt House to discuss the future of equality and weighs in on how much has Congress — and the country — has changed since he came out in 1987.

Sociology students at Hunter

Student study of MTA elevators gets the city listening

Hunter College students may not be able to fix the elevators in their own school, but they have made strides to improve the elevators in subway stations around the city.