The candidates for the USG gathered in the West Building on April 10 to introduce themselves and the issues they plan to tackle if elected.
The candidates running for student government are preparing for the voting period that ends tomorrow, April 18, which will determine if the student body agrees with their ideas for Hunter. Some students are running with the slate of Hunter Alliance, Hunter United or as an independent candidate.
The “Meet the Candidates Forum” allowed the candidates to explain the party they are running under, the position they are running for, and what their goals are for Hunter government.
Not every candidate running spoke but those who did had 45 seconds to say their peace. All classes were well represented between freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students running for various positions.
Some students are re-running for their current positions, like Mahdi Rahman, a junior, who is running under “A Hunter United” for finance commissioner.
“As the current finance commissioner of USG, I’ve already helped clubs through the process of receiving budgets and sponsorships and I hope to continue on,” said Rahman. “I want to be there for students who have any questions about the process of getting budgets and any other financial concerns.”

While the goal is for all students to be represented, resident students are fighting for a better social life at the dorms.
Ariana Gladstone, a sophomore, running under “A Hunter Alliance” for resident life commissioner, explained the needs for events at the dorms
“As an out-of-state student, this is my major community,” said Gladstone. “I believe that there should be more events for dorm people as well as events happening at Hunter so we can all be one community and everyone has a voice. I am not afraid to get loud for other people.”
A lot of the candidates want to promote more funding and better resources for the clubs at Hunter.
Monira Hasan, a sophomore running under “A Hunter United,” is a candidate for external affairs commissioner and explained that most students are unaware of the clubs and events at Hunter.
“If elected, I will continue to expand the USG website so that students can use it as a resource as a means of networking with other clubs and other extra circulars offered at Hunter College,” said Hasan.
Gaelle Chawki, a junior re-running under “A Hunter United” for evening affairs commissioner, says there needs to be more events for the night students.
“There should be a variety of parties, more events at night to increase the inclusiveness of the night students,” said Chawki.
The Queer Student Union is represented in this election as well. Nicole (Cole) Dempsy, a junior, is running for student welfare commissioner under “A Hunter Alliance.” Dempsy explained the need for better resources on campus. ”

“There’s no reason that disabled students aren’t able to get the proper help and care that they deserve,” said Dempsy. “There’s no reason classrooms shouldn’t have markers or a functioning whiteboard.”
Click here to see a list of all the candidates running for USG and their goals before casting your vote.