Student Life

The entrance to the advisor's office.
News / Student Life

One Advisor to 900 Students: Why Hunter Students Are Forced to Navigate College Life Solo

Many Hunter College students complain upon arriving at school that they must act as their own advisors. Little do they know the advisor-to-student ratio is 1 advisor to 900 students, according to Jen Gaboury a Professional Staff Congress CUNY staff. There are currently 18 advisors at Hunter, she said. Students […]

Office of Education Abroad Wants To Help Students Take Their Experience Beyond The Classroom
Culture / Student Life

Office of Education Abroad Wants To Help Students Take Their Experience Beyond The Classroom

At a public academic institution like Hunter College, experiencing a foreign exchange program isn’t as much of a given as it might be in less economically diverse, private liberal arts schools.  In the 2022-20223 academic year, 250 Hunter students studied abroad. That’s roughly 2% of the undergraduate population, at the […]

Student attendees and the BSA executive board at the club’s first open-house event.
News / Student Life

Community on Campus: Built By Students, For Students

Student-led clubs have gotten creative in fostering a sense of community on Hunter College campus, a major commuter school. As the school welcomed its largest incoming freshman class in Hunter’s history in the fall of 2023, the majority of the students were commuters, according to the Student Affairs Department. Most […]

Hunter’s Silence on FAFSA Delays Leaves Students Uncertain
News / Student Life

Hunter’s Silence on FAFSA Delays Leaves Students Uncertain

Screens across Hunter showcase information about the FAFSA’s update and available filing workshops. (Photo by Laila Gad) A line trails out of the financial aid office, filled with students anxiously waiting to speak with a counselor about their tuition balances barring them from class registration. For almost half of CUNY […]

Students Question if Campus Starbucks Should Remain Open
News / Student Life

Students Question if Campus Starbucks Should Remain Open

Students who support Palestinian rights said there is no need for the college to host a Starbucks on campus and the space should instead be used as a much-needed student lounge. When the Israel-Hamas war started on October 7, many former Starbucks patrons aligned themselves with the Palestinians as various […]