Looking back at tragedy: Art inspired by Triangle Shirtwaist fire
Emotions were raw while stories were shared at the Roosevelt House event that recalled the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire from 1911 and the art that has been created around it.
Emotions were raw while stories were shared at the Roosevelt House event that recalled the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire from 1911 and the art that has been created around it.
Professor Jocelyn Lai, known as one of the youngest creative talents in classical music in Canada, performed on the piano at Lang Recital Hall.
A group of Hunter art students have developed an online petition demanding the former bookstore space on the ground floor of Hunter West be used for showing student work.
A fusion of Cuban roots and American traditions was the focus of the debut of the Ballet Contemporáneo de Camagüey choreographed by artist-in-residence and professor Pedro Ruiz.
Take a look at Hunter student and singer/songwriter, Maddi Tuccillo.