Articles written by: Shanice Peters

Shanice Peters is a senior in the English Language Arts major. She transferred from BMCC to Hunter College in 2022, where she discovered her love for journalism. Shanice takes delight in writing service news. She was born in St. Vincent & The Grenadines and enjoys reggae music. Her dream is to use her writing to create revolutionary change.

Tired of Your Laptop Falling? Why Hunter College Should Purchase Bigger Desks for Students

Tired of Your Laptop Falling? Why Hunter College Should Purchase Bigger Desks for Students

Students have been experiencing their laptops falling off desks. Some say the single seated desks are too small. Here is what Hunter has to say on the matter.

Smoking Amongst Young Adults: Why is Vaping So Addicting?

Smoking Amongst Young Adults: Why is Vaping So Addicting?

Does the stress of college cause students to vape and smoke marijuana?

Language Leads To Action: Hunter Students Overcome Barriers With Professors
featured-column / News / Student Life

Language Leads To Action: Hunter Students Overcome Barriers With Professors

There is a huge language barrier between Students and Professors. Students with a language barrier find it difficult to have the complete learning experience.