In a world where everyone is engulfed by a seemingly infinite amount of entertainment and media, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and unable to find what we are looking for. Whether it’s music, movies, or current events, we all struggle to find new ways to explore the world of media to find what we want. If you’ve struggled with this issue, this article may be your solution.
Athletics / News / Student Life
Across the United States, college sports are a cultural staple. In Boston, students fill arenas to cheer on Boston University’s hockey team with the energy of the playoff season. Thousands of fans gather to tailgate for Ohio State University football games in Columbus, Ohio. Yet in New York City, despite […]
The newly announced Interborough Express may become a reality in Brooklyn and Queens. How does it affect Hunter students living in these boroughs and is the project feasible given the MTA’s current state of affairs?
News / Student Life
Hunter College is a publicly funded college, so as with many things in government, the state of CUNY and Hunter are intertwined in a collage of funding that doesn’t seem to point to Eric Adams, at least in the ways that people seem to believe.
Culture / Student Life
In her early years at Hunter, Taniya Bhambra, a senior majoring in Human Biology, found a familiar community within Hunter’s South Asian Culture Club, or SACC. The club frequently held events and forged close friendships amongst members with similar cultural backgrounds. But one vital component of South Asian culture was […]