
Hawks Build Strong Fitness Habits During the Pandemic
Multimedia / News / Student Life

Hawks Build Strong Fitness Habits During the Pandemic

Exercise routines kept some Hunter undergrads on track throughout the public health crisis.

Self-portrait by Maria Rivera
Culture / Multimedia / Student Life

Art Students Find Catharsis in Creativity

Painting, photography and sculpture provide an outlet for students to vent pandemic frustrations.

Spring Senior Athletes Lose Their Final Season
Multimedia / Student Life

Spring Senior Athletes Lose Their Final Season

One athlete lost 25 pounds, another runs imaginary races. Five senior student-athletes find ways to cope with their spring season canceled.

A Message from Hunter Students to President-Elect Joe Biden
Multimedia / News

A Message from Hunter Students to President-Elect Joe Biden

In this audiogram, students share the issues they hope the 46th president will focus on during his term.

Hunter Students Find Study Space Alternatives
Multimedia / Student Life

Hunter Students Find Study Space Alternatives

With the libraries and buildings open at 10% capacity, students utilize the study spaces closest to them.