Articles written by: Maxwell Cane

Max Cane is a student at Hunter College studying Media Studies. With a background primarily consisting of legal work and amateur filmmaking his interests revolve around media, film, and video-based journalism. With ideals of creating both large and small film and video projects Cane works mostly solo as a director, cinematographer, and editor.

Aggro Dr1ft, the unexplainable "film" starring Travis Scott

Aggro Dr1ft, the unexplainable “film” starring Travis Scott

Do you want to dive head-first into a neon ocean of coolness unobtainable by the mainstream world? Then Aggro Dr1ft is for you.

One of the many live music events you can find in the city through this article. Photo by Max Cane.

Navigating the World of Media and Finding What’s Right For You

In a world where everyone is engulfed by a seemingly infinite amount of entertainment and media, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and unable to find what we are looking for. Whether it’s music, movies, or current events, we all struggle to find new ways to explore the world of media to find what we want. If you’ve struggled with this issue, this article may be your solution.