Just hours after the 2024 U.S. Federal Election results were made public, Hunter students voiced their reactions to a second Trump administration. The Athenian reported on students’ mixed feelings regarding post-election shock, and gloominess and reflected on whether or not the outcome will affect them as students.
Isfar Choudhury, Senior, Economics
“I don’t think it would affect me as much as a student, but for the whole United States it’s pretty scary for immigrants.”
Lenny Arbitman, Freshman, Computer Science
“I don’t really care that much because their policies don’t really affect me.”
Danielle Elter, Junior, Statistics
“I think the results are shocking.”
Mithila Pandit, Sophomore, Psychology
“I feel a little sad about it because I honestly wanted Kamala to win.”
Jazmin Dayana Maraquez, Junior, English Linguistics and Rhetoric
“I go to Hunter under TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) so if I don’t have TAP I can’t graduate or continue college.”
Tyesha Watson, Freshman, Social Work
“The fact that he’s a convicted felon [and] was allowed to be up there and run again is not even constitutional. I’m sick of seeing him in the media and now for him to be our president again – I just don’t see any good coming from it.”
Joshua Nunez, 21, Sophomore, Undecided Major.
“Disappointed. I feel like we already went through Trump’s presidency once. Whether you’re a Democrat or a part of the Republican party, we saw how that ended up so I feel like having something new just would’ve been better.”