Archive for December, 2023

How Hunter's Unsung Heroes Keep the School Clean
Multimedia / News

How Hunter’s Unsung Heroes Keep the School Clean

The Athenian’s Stella Chu explores the intricacies of some of Hunter’s most overlooked staff: the Facilities Office. Through speaking to supervisors and laborers and getting a look at the work for herself, Chu shows Hunter how the 2,000,000-square-foot campus is maintained each day and highlights the people who make it […]

How Not to Get Scammed at Hunter
Multimedia / News

How Not to Get Scammed at Hunter

Cell phones, computers, and other online devices are essential parts of our daily routine at Hunter College. Many software apps, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and Adobe Cloud, offer their products and services to consumers. And to use these third-party services, users have to sacrifice their privacy and provide their personal […]

Hunter Students and Faculty Find Ways to Navigate Tensions Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Hunter Students and Faculty Find Ways to Navigate Tensions Amidst the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Following the conflict between Israel and Palestine, there are a lot of opinions diverging. Tensions rising at Hunter College are causing some students to feel uncomfortable. Since President Ann Kirschner’s October 10 statement “in strong support” of Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez’s statement condemning “the activities of any internal organizations […]