Whitney Museum Trip by Lucas Chang

Whitney Museum Trip

Overall, this was my second trip to the Whitney Museum since I went with one of my other classes last year. However, I one hundred percent feel that my second visit was way more interesting than my first time in the Museum. This was because my first time at the Museum, we weren’t allowed to separate from the group and explore different works of art all around the museum, which made the first trip less exciting for me. Since we were able to explore on our own this time around, I was able to see more exhibits and have a much better time.

One of the exhibits that I saw was a small room that had eight walls with baloney slices on them. Each slice had a face of a Jewish person in the center. Overall there are at least 2,755 Jewish faces on these 8 walls of baloney, which according to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal is about twenty five percent of the total amount of Jewish citizens living in New York City to this very day. I found this interesting and fascinating because it was my first time that I saw a unique art exhibit was made based off facts about New York City. After I saw this exhibit, I had left feeling like I learned something new about the city that I grew up in.

Another exhibit that was enamored with was a small screening about a two Filipinos one men and one women leaning on each other in order to survive on an island. The man was seen saving the Filipino women by pulling her out of the water. The screening goes on to show the Filipino man describing some facts and information about the island to the Filipino women, to help her understand more about where she is. I felt that this screening was interesting because it showed how two people are trying everything they can to survive on a remote island away from civilization, with both of them only knowing so much about the island they are on.

One last exhibit that I found very interesting consisted of a small room with four walls that showed gates and fences on each wall which imitated the Mexican border. As you stay in the room, you hear train noises and cars and trucks driving by the Mexican borders through the gates and fences that are displayed on the wall. I felt this exhibit was interesting because I got to see what the Mexican border looks like for those who are trying to get into the United States or whoever is leaving the country.

In conclusion, my trip to the Whitney Museum was a much better experience than my first time at the museum since we were able to see different works of art and learn. I was able to have a much more enjoyable experience and even learned something new about my city that I never knew before. Overall I enjoyed my experience at the Whitney Museum.

Whitney Museum Trip by Lucas Chang