Real Violence

I thoroughly enjoyed the class trip to the Whitney a few weeks ago.  However, I was slightly disappointed that I didn’t experience the virtual reality piece, “Real Violence” by Jordan Wolfson.  I heard rather frightening reviews of what it was like and it scared me away from experiencing it.  A friend of mine wanted to see the Biennial so I decided to go back with her and this time watch the virtual reality piece.  Before I put the headset on I mentally prepared myself for what I thought would be a horrifying experience.  At first it seemed like a pleasant view of the sky.  If I didn’t know what was coming I think I would have been thoroughly relaxed and enjoying the view.  Once the intense violence began I only made it a few seconds after I decided to take the headset off.  It was an unpleasant experience but more than anything it left me wondering what the point was.  I think virtual reality can be an extremely powerful tool to use in artwork.  However, this seems like an artist who is using it just for shock value.  This piece has created a lot of buzz, which works in the artist’s favor, but I have never heard anyone discussing anything other than its violence.  This piece doesn’t make me think deeper about the world or social issues.  Instead, I was left thinking “What the hell was that?”

Real Violence