

The following are links of alternate websites to further discover information about Jack Newfield.

Jack Newfield Memorial / Informational Site
This website is a information portal to Jack Newfield’s life. Not only does it give a synopsis of his life but also promotes his work.

Charlie Rose Show- Video Clips
This site provides clips from the Charlie Rose show. In each clip Jack Newfield voices his opinion on the current matter.

The New York Sun – Archive
The following sites provides followers with Jack Newfield’s most recent articles written by Jack Newfield and published by the New York Sun Newspaper.

New York Magazine – Archive
This site holds articles written by Jack Newfield that were published by New York Magazine.

The Nation Magazine – Archive
The above site provides articles that have been written by Jack Newfield and published by The Nation Magazine.

The Village Voice – The 10 Worst Landlords
The following article was reported by Wayne Barrett and the students at Hunter College as a class project. Wayne Barrett, the winner of the first Jack Newfield professorship at Hunter College with the help of his students has brought back a Jack Newfield tradition of muckraking journalism by reinstating his famous “The Ten Worst Landlords” news column published by the Village Voice as a class project

The Village Voice – Apartments from Hell
The following slideshow pertains to the above link featuring the article “The Ten Worst Landlords”. The slideshow produced by Hunter College students in Wayne Barrett’s Journalism class displays the horrors of New York City apartments owned by the worst landlords.

The Village Voice – The Second Battle of Bushwick
The following article was reported by the students in the Hunter College urban investigative reporting class, taught by the Jack Newfield visiting professor Tom Robbins. The article was a class project inspired by Jack Newfield in which students follow the muckraking techniques of Jack Newfield and complete a final project published by The Village Voice.

On The Move/En Movimiento – A Video on the Fight for Clean Air
The video was produced by Chloe Smolarski, Melissa Nicolardi, Veralyn Williams and Marjorie Bresciani in a graduate course at Hunter College. Many thanks are due to these women for their wonderful work. Here is their description of the project:

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